This is only for women who want to enjoy regular monthly flow and ovulate naturally


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No need to use unsafe drugs to force your flow every month ever again!

This is the last remedy you will ever need to normalise your period and ovulation

See Real-life Testimonies Below for Yourself...

This was sent to us by a woman who bleeds continuously whether she is on her period or not. She is either bleeding or spotting at any point in time.

With the aid of the solution you are about to have access to, she got an actual 28-day period with no spotting, no pain and no funny experience for the first time ever!

In fact, if your monthly period is not regular, there is no assurance that you will ovulate. If you ovulate, the chances that you will know when are so slim.

Another Testimony

It can be quite frustrating if you are trying to get pregnant yet have no period.

Having a healthy cycle is step one for boosting your fertility naturally and being able to get pregnant.

There are a couple of reasons your cycle may be irregular such as stress, dietary deficiencies, low body weight, getting off of birth control pills, hormonal imbalance, perimenopause or other underlying issues.

Since the lining of the uterus is not being shed, it is very important to clear out the old blood and establish a healthy cycle again. This can be done naturally and effectively with natural herbs and nutrition as you will soon find out.

We have talked with many clients who have been offered synthetic oestrogen to get there periods going again but taking synthetic oestrogen for this issue is like using a sledge hammer on a thumb tack and that is not a route you want to follow.

Absent Period… Otherwise Known as Amenorrhea

Absent period is known as amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is divided into two distinct groups: primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea is the most common.

Note: Absent menstrual cycles due to perimenopause and menopause are not considered amenorrhea.

Primary Amenorrhea

Defined as the absence of menstruation by the age of 14 with no secondary sexual characteristics, or the absence of menstruation by the age of 16 regardless of secondary sexual characteristics. Examples of secondary sexual characteristics in women are enlargement of breasts, widening of hips, armpit, pubic and leg hair and body odour.

Secondary Amenorrhea

Defined as the absence of menstruation for the total of at least 3 previous menstrual cycle lengths, or at least 6 months in a woman who previously had a menstrual cycle and is still in her reproductive years.

Reproductive years are defined as menarche, when a woman begins her menstrual cycle in puberty until menopause. Secondary amenorrhea is more common than primary amenorrhea.

Causes of Absent Period/Ovulation

A menstrual cycle that has stopped is not a disease, it may be a sign that there is an underlying imbalance in the body.

regular menstrual cycle is regulated by a complex system of messages and actions orchestrated by the endocrine system. The endocrine glands work together to send messages via hormones. This is called the feedback loop.

In very simple terms, the hypothalamus produces GnRH (gonadotrophin-releasing hormones) which signals to the pituitary to produce LH (luteinising hormones and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to signal to the ovaries that it is their turn to release oestrogen and progesterone which is recognised by the pituitary gland.

Simple right? Not so.

As you can see, a healthy cycle is dependent on each part of the feedback loop functioning properly. Think of it as an orchestra, if just one part of the cycle is off, it will throw the entire cycle off, causing imbalances that can affect regular menstrual cycles.

Below are the major and common causes of absent period;

Click to view an image of follicle development.

Typical Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Phases

Typical No. of Days

Hormonal Actions

Follicular (Proliferative) Phase

Cycle Days 1 to 6: Beginning of menstruation to end of blood flow.

Estrogen and progesterone start out at their lowest levels.

FSH levels rise to stimulate maturity of follicles. Ovaries start producing estrogen and levels rise, while progesterone levels remains low.

Cycle Days 7 to 13:

The endometrium thickens to prepare for the egg implantation.


Cycle Day 14:

Surge in LH. Largest follicle bursts and releases egg into fallopian tube.

Luteal (Secretory) Phase, also known as the Premenstrual Phase

Cycle Days 15 to 28:

Ruptured follicle develops into corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Progesterone and estrogen stimulate blanket of blood vessels to prepare for egg implantation.

If fertilization occurs:

Fertilized egg attaches to blanket of blood vessels that supplies nutrients for the developing placenta. Corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen and progesterone.

If fertilization does not occur:

Corpus luteum deteriorates. Estrogen and progesterone levels drop. The blood vessel lining sloughs off and menstruation begins.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Sometimes, the body is not getting enough nutrition daily to be able to sustain normal functions, including the menstrual cycle.

There are many very important nutrients the body requires to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. Nutritional deficiencies can actually cause menstrual cycle and ovulation irregularities and eventually may cause the entire cycle to stop.

What you eat daily makes up every part of your body. You are what you eat!

Being Overweight or Underweight

There is a direct link between anovulation (absence of ovulation) and obesity and those women who are.

Body fat cells, called adipocytes produce oestrogenObese women may have too much oestrogen due to too much body fat.

Women who are underweight may also have anovulation due to lack of body fat.

There may not be enough oestrogen or adequate cholesterol levels being maintained to support the menstrual cycle.

Studies have shown that women with extreme exercise habits have significantly lower levels of estradiol due to low levels of body fat in key areas of the body, leading to anovulation.

Oestrogen is essential for healthy bone formation, healthy gene expression, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, and is vital for a healthy menstrual cycle.

Too much oestrogen, or too little in the body may cause the feedback loop to not function properly and the menstrual cycle or ovulation may cease.

Now you can see why it is so important to have adequate amounts of body fat; not too much and not too little!


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, sometimes also called polycystic ovarian dysfunction is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age.

There are two distinct and consistent features of PCOS: absent period or inconsistent menstrual cycles and hyperandrogenism (the body is producing too many androgens, the most common one being testosterone).


Stress may cause the body to stop the menstrual cycle. Stress causes the body to release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin that prevent female fertility hormones from being released at the correct times in the menstrual cycle.

This can cause a disruption in the menstrual cycle by affecting how the adrenal glands function.

Reducing stress and supporting adrenal health is essential to a healthy menstrual cycle and is a relatively easy fix for healthy fertility. The adrenal glands also directly impact thyroid health.

Thyroid issues

Poor thyroid function may cause the menstrual cycle to stop.

An overactive thyroid that produces too many thyroid hormones is called Hyperthyroidism.

On the other hand, hypothyroidism is when the thyroid is underactive and does not produce enough thyroid hormones.

An absent menstrual cycle is a sign of hyperthyroidism, where irregular or heavy cycles may be a sign of hypothyroidism.

Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)

POF, also known as Ovarian Hypofunction, is defined as a loss of normal ovarian function before the age of 40. The menstrual cycle may cease before the age of 40, or become sporadic. There are a variety of reasons this may happen.

Perimenopause and Menopause

Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. As perimenopause progresses toward menopause, it is normal for menstrual cycles to become irregular and for hormone levels to fluctuate.

The menstrual cycle may become absent for many cycles and then suddenly come back for a couple of cycles, and then come back again, becoming sporadic for some years.

As ovarian reserve diminishes and egg health declines, FSH levels rise, the menstrual cycle will become more and more irregular, until eventually it stops. Menopause is defined as absent menstruation for a year or longer.

Menopause may also be confirmed by elevated FSH levels between 60 to 100mL/L on two tests done at least 1 month apart, and/or LH level greater than 50mIU/L and estradiol less than 50pg/mL.

Please note: that no therapy can reverse the ageing process or bring back the menstrual cycles in a woman who has already gone through, or is going through menopause naturally.

  • ✅Many women have lost their homes
  • ✅Many are called barren
  • ✅Many have lost the love of their lives to other women
  • ✅Many have lost hopes

This doesn't have to be you!

Stop forcing your period/ovulation every month!

If you are one of those that have been placed on drugs to force your period on a monthly basis, it is better you stop now!

The disadvantages are much more than the advantages.

Many women that have gone that route and got their entire fertility and reproductive system messed up can testify to this.

It is a dangerous and very risky option!

There is a Better Way Out!

Which is 100% safe, natural, organic and medically proven!


'100% natural HERBAL REMEDY for Menstrual Disorder





Take my words for this natural pack, it really works perfectly.

This organic natural solution serves as. solution for..

✍🏼Irregular menstruation

✍🏼Ceased period

✍🏼Premature/early menopause

And many more...

We serve the populace with highly potent and effective 100% natural health solutions, products and services worldwide!

Progress Bar

Below is another testimony;

How Does the Treatment Work?

  • For the treatment and prevention of irregular period and ovulation.
  • For stimulating appropriate female sex hormone secretion to improve regular period and ovulation
  • For cervical cleaning to remove dead tissue, menstrual blood residues and get rid of unpleasant smell
  • For the reconstruction of physiological reproductive organs functions to bring about improved fertility and support conception.

The Important Stages of the Treatment

Fertility Cleansing

This Kit contains herbal products that help to cleanse and detoxify the liver as well as the entire reproductive system of a woman in order get rid of toxins, harmful excess hormones and so on.

Hormone Balancing

As you have read above, having a regular menstrual period and ovulation is function of the female reproductive hormones. This Kit contains herbal products that are specifically meant to balance the female reproductive hormones for proper functioning and regulation.

Menstrual/Ovulation Regulation

One proper cleansing has been done and hormone balancing, the last stage is to regulate the menstrual flow as well as ovulation. This is the most important stage where the result of the first 2 stages are felt by the user. Enter your text here...

How to Order for the Kit

Payment/Cash on Delivery Option For People within Accra And Its Environment, and Payment Before Delivery For Those Outside Accra.


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We incur a lot of costs to cover the delivery of this product across Ghana while still maintaining a reduced price, And Some Wicked People Will Order And Never Pick Up Their Order When It gets To Their END. So to avoid a waste of time and resources, we plead with you to order ONLY if you are ready for this product. 


Please Fill The Form Carefully To Place Your Order. Any Single Mistake Won't Allow us To Process Your Order.

      Once we receive your order, and your details are correct, you will receive a confirmation call from us. Your products will    be sent to our courier service partner and the items will get to you.

        Note: The product will be packaged and no one else will know what's inside and every other information will be kept     private and 100% confidential.



Please in case you call and the number is busy, kindly send a text message and they will reply you. Due to demands, the phone number is always very busy.


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